Many of our incredible supporters have been following along as we help individual women escape and recover from domestic violence.
One of those women is Lauren. The support we have received to help Lauren has been phenomenal and we wanted to give you an update.
I keep in touch with Lauren and we speak regularly. She is an incredible strong woman who has rebuilt her life from the most extreme and relentless domestic violence that lasted many years. Lauren is now paying it forward and helping other victims of DV. She is amazing.
This was part of our conversation today.
“Helping has helped me, to pay it forward I guess, because without your help this year, I honestly almost 100% think I would have been a DV murder Victim. You and the entire NHC community literally plucked me up, wrapped your arms around me and gave me hope when I really didn’t even know how I was going to put a roof over our heads, let alone create a safe home that we now have. I do downplay just how frightening the last few years have been for me, because it’s easier to smile and say I’m fine, but it’s been such a harrowing few years of living in absolute fear. Once borders open again I expect I’m going to go backwards a bit in feeling not too safe again, but I’m much better from mental health point to work through that now”
Lauren and her children are safe and happy. She now has a part time job and is a corporate educator for Domesric violence awareness in the workplace.
I am so incredibly proud of her and honoured to call her my friend.
*Excerpt posted with permission