Jenga, Snakes & Ladders, Sudoku, Crosswords, Lego, word finder, sketch books, colouring in, Jigsaws, teddies and so much more!
Today our super volunteers made dozens and dozens of play bags for kids, teens and adults. These bags will be going to tower residence who have a family member with Covid and who can’t get outside to play and exercise.
Three play and activity bags are essential in keeping kids occupied and keeping parents inspired and busy while they’re locked inside.
We have family jigsaw puzzles, kids puzzles, kids toys and games, coloring books, books and games for teens and heaps of things for families to do together. Something for every age and every one!
A huge shout out to Helen who made us these absolutely gorgeous teddies for the bags. We appreciate you so much, Helen 🥰 🐻
These bags came about because of your generosity. Thank you all so very much for helping us to help others 🙏 A massive shout out to our volunteers Jo, Annette and Alice for helping out today 💕🌸