A huge thank you once again to Peter for dropping these life saving sleeping bags off to our warehouse. 100 of these sleeping bags are heading right over to the wonderful people at Perth Homeless Support Group, in Perth WA ro help kick off their winter appeal. Our sleeping bags are rated sub 10 degrees which means they will keep someone alive in that temperature. They are waterproof and they are brand new! If you would like to donate to help out more people who call the streets home, please head to our website to donate. All donations over $2 […]
National Homeless Collective
The impact of homelessness on health.Homelessness is a serious social problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Among the many issues arising from homelessness, one of the most concerning is the negative chronic health outcomes often faced by people who are disconnected from society and have no stable or appropriate form of housing or shelter.Homelessness can have a profound impact on a person’s physical and mental health, leading to a range of long-term health problems that can be difficult to manage and treat. It is vital that society in general understand the ramifications homelessness has on a persons physical well-being. […]
When we first started the Period Project we had no idea how large our charity would become or how many different projects we would implement to help people experiencing homelessness. Our main charity, National Homeless Collective (NHC) was actually registered two years after the Period Project started. Now, NHC is the umbrella charity for most of our projects. Traditionally we have created a new Facebook Page for each of our projects but this has become difficult and costly to manage and therefore we are merging all of our project pages under the main charity page call National Homeless Collective. The […]
.Did you get new pyjamas for Christmas? We would love to have your old PJ’s to pass on to women in domestic violence and homeless shelters across the country. We gladly accept the following: – sets (both tops and bottoms) – Nighties (preferably long with long sleeves) -Dressing gowns We cannot accept – Lingerie – Underwear – Slippers – Ripped or torn sleepwear The crisis accommodation services we support have asked for the following; “We prefer long nighties with long or 3/4 sleeves as these are more culturally appropriate and also cover bruises and scars. We prefer pyjamas to be […]
Another 20 sleeping bags on their way to Mullumbimby to provide warmth to those displaced from the flooding in Northern NSW.The rebuild is going to take up to two years and there are still large numbers of families sleeping in temporary accommodation like caravans waiting for their houses to be rebuilt or made safe.We will support these families and similarly the families in Rochester Victoria as they recover from these devastating floods for as long as they need us.#sleepingbagsforhomelessness #nationalhomelesscollective
As a charity we support people experiencing period poverty. All people. Everyone. Today we sent two boxes of sanitary items and Incontinece items to a trans man experiencing homelessness who is not able to access these items himself. We support everyone. We always have and we always will. <img width=”640″ height=”853″ src=”http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/293094163_3312026519117984_3638014382217159091_n-768×1024.jpg” alt=”” loading=”lazy” srcset=”http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/293094163_3312026519117984_3638014382217159091_n-768×1024.jpg 768w, http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/293094163_3312026519117984_3638014382217159091_n-225×300.jpg 225w, http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/293094163_3312026519117984_3638014382217159091_n-1152×1536.jpg 1152w, http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/293094163_3312026519117984_3638014382217159091_n.jpg 1536w” sizes=”(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px” />
Yesterday we received a message from Georgia who works in the top end at a womens shelter we support. A few months back we sent up about 50 swim bags so kids at the shelter could do school swimming lessons and participate in water sports. Georgia sent us this gorgeous photo of two of the kids enjoying their swim bags at the local water park. “Thanks for the children gift bags. We had a picnic at the park with waterslide today. Although bit cold for us adults to play with water lol towels kept them dry and warm Thanks again […]
We received a call on Friday from one of our partner organisations asking if we could possibly find a bed for a 3 year old girl named Emily. Although a home had been found for Emily, her Mumand Emily’s baby brother, they couldn’t find a bed for Emily anywhere. Furniture isn’t something we often take care of but all other avenues had been exhausted and we felt that being a big 3 year old, Emily deserved her very own bed. Thanks to your donations we were able to have a new bed and mattress delivered to Emily today. She will have her very […]
What a day! What an incredible amazing day. Only a few weeks ago we had completely run out of sanitary items and desperately needed help. And you amazing people all came together as soon as we put out the call for support. We didn’t get photos of everyone who stopped by but we’d like to thank everyone all the same. We haven’t counted our donations but we will do that next week and let you all know how much we raised. Thank you all. You really are amazing and we are so grateful for your support.
Leaving home because of family violence is an incredibly traumatic experience for everyone, but for children the trauma can carry into so many areas. Imagine having to leave everything behind, move house or go to a strange place like a refuge and not be able to get to school easily because you don’t have a bike and your new school is just a bit too far to walk. Children shouldn’t have to suffer further when family violence strikes. So we make sure to do everything we can to help kids in this situation. Yesterday we delivered to more bikes for kids who have […]
We done only take care of periods here. Melbourne is absolutely freezing. So we have sleeping bags, scarves beanies and gloves, all hitting the streets of Melbourne tonight to help our friends on the streets keep warm <img width=”640″ height=”480″ src=”http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/290428208_3299554370365199_4947419887509159251_n-1024×768.jpg” alt=”” loading=”lazy” srcset=”http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/290428208_3299554370365199_4947419887509159251_n-1024×768.jpg 1024w, http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/290428208_3299554370365199_4947419887509159251_n-300×225.jpg 300w, http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/290428208_3299554370365199_4947419887509159251_n-768×576.jpg 768w, http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/290428208_3299554370365199_4947419887509159251_n.jpg 1284w” sizes=”(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px” /> <img width=”640″ height=”853″ src=”http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/289605217_3299553910365245_4065074972711831182_n.jpg” alt=”” loading=”lazy” srcset=”http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/289605217_3299553910365245_4065074972711831182_n.jpg 720w, http://box2097.temp.domains/~nhcolle1/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/289605217_3299553910365245_4065074972711831182_n-225×300.jpg 225w” sizes=”(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px” />
For most Mums, Mother’s Day is a happy occasion but for some Mums it can be tough. Today we delivered some gorgeous Easoto Backpacks full of Mothers Day treats to 8 single Mums who have children who live with chronic illness or disabilities. All Mums are busy, but Mums of kids who need extra care really do it tough. My youngest child has three medical appointments each and every week, he is on a daily regime of 12 different medications and he will need life long support, forever. It’s tough, but I have help. I’m not doing this alone. Mums […]