January 23, 2025

What a day, what a week, what a month! These past few weeks we have done so much. Amongs other things we have,

Delivered period packs to two more remote Indigenous communities in far North Queensland

Supported dozens of families with infants by providing nappies and formula during lockdown

Given food relief to over 100 young people experiencing homelessness as well as seniors and young families

Delivered life saving sleeping bags right across the country

Sent 8 boxes full of toiletries and hygiene supplies to remote schools in the Northern Territory

Handed out dozens of winter warmer packs

Made and delivered toiletries packs to our partner organisations

Delivered fresh fruits and vegetables boxes to families right across Melboune

Sent food vouchers to struggling families and single parents across Melbourne

There’s more, but off the top of my head I can’t remember it all!

Would you like to help us continue to achieve this we would greatly appreciate your support. Covid lockdown has made thorns hard for many people and many organisations including ours. We would greatly appreciate yours support to continue our work.

The easiest way? Buy a raffle ticket for yourself in our raffle! Ticket sales below 👇
