We Need Your Vote

We are thrilled to be included as one of the two organisations nominated by CommBank’s Port Melbourne branch to receive a funding boost from CommBank – but we need your vote!

This is a way you can help us without having to do anything but click a button.

To vote for us click the link below ⬇️
Search for ‘Port Melbourne’ 🗺️
Click on National Homeless Collective and your vote is in!

If we win, we will raise enough money to buy around 20 sleeping bags, so please please help us out so we can do this! Your vote just might be the one that gets us over the line.

We can’t tell you often enough how much we appreciate your support.

💛 Vote now at commbank.com.au/communitydonations


Next Post

Frightening Statistics - National Crisis

Fri Dec 20 , 2024
We have known for years now that the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness are middle aged women, however, frightening data from the 2021 Australian census also shows that females accounted for 81.7% of the 6,067 increase of people experiencing homelessness in 2021.81.7% of the increase are women! That is absolutely appalling.More and more women are experiencing homelessness because services simply cannot keep up with demand. Domestic violence and intimate partner abuse rates are climbing and very little is being done to address this national crisis.The rate of homelessness for males decreased in 2021 to 55 males per 10,000 […]