This photo was taken two hours ago. This is Melbourne this morning. This is happening now. Imagine this is your bed for the night.
Now imagine this is your bed, but without the sleeping bag.
We have freezing conditions and weather warnings all over the state but we still have people left behind sleeping out there in this blizzard.
If we could house them we would. If we could get warm beds for them all we would. Sadly, we can’t do those things but what we can do is offer a sleeping bag and some warm clothing to at least keep them alive.
But we can’t do that unless you help us to do that. We’re only funded by your generosity. We know there are around 400 people rough sleeping in Melbourne alone. We need to help all of them.
Please consider helping us by making a donation on our website or by purchasing a ticket in our raffle below. The raffle prize has been donated to us and one ticket means one Winter warmer pack for someone sleeping in these conditions. Just click and buy. It’s that easy.
One ticket means a sleeping bag or a winter warmer pack for someone who is sleeping outside tonight.
Two tickets means they receive both and you get two chances to win an incredible luxury get away. Even if you don’t win you’re still helping someone survive this brutal weather.
This should not be happening but in reality it is. Please click below so we can get more of these life saving bags and winter warmer packs out there.l to people who have no choice but to call the streets home.