We need help. As many of you know we’ve been assisting Lauren, a Mum who has had to leave suddenly because her ex husband who has threatened numerous times to murder her was found inside her house and the next day found in her street.
Lauren has been moved to a safe secure unit but the promised security cameras never happened. She can’t sleep at night and we want to help her. We know security cameras won’t be a complete barrier to protect her but they may buy her time and be a deterrent for her ex husband should he find out where she is.
We want to get Lauren a 4 camera Arlo Smart Home security system which will
Send notifications to Lauren’s phone when movement is detected no matter where she is.
Allow Lauren to see in real time who is around the property
Notify her of anyone has broken in and is laying in wait for her to return (this is what her ex husband did last time)
Allow Lauren to set off an alarm remotely any time she is in danger
Allow her to speak directly though the cameras no matter where she is
Provide clear night vision recordings of anyone on the property
Record all movements as soon as motion is detected and store it for 7 days. This can be shared with police
Give her some peace of mind so she can finally get some sleep. She’s terrified. I can’t underestimate the impact DV has on people and how the threat of being murdered lives with you every waking second.
Lauren is a wonderful person and she’s doing the best she can. The organisations who were meant to help her get these cameras now say they have run out of funding. All they could give her was a pamphlet on ‘how to stay safe’. It’s not going to help.
The Arlo system costs about $1000 for the base station and four cameras. We can have it installed at no cost. We personally use this system and have found it to be very efficient and effective.
If you can donate toward the cost of Lauren’s security system we would very much appreciated it. Even $2 helps and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.
There will be more Laurens, indeed there are thousands already and although we know we can’t help everyone, if we can just help one person at a time stay safe we’re at least trying.
If we happen to raise over the $1k needed we will put any excess toward further security systems for others fleeing from DV situations who need extra safety.
Domestic violence has to stop. But until we can make it a thing of the past we have to do what we can to keep people like Lauren safe. Please help us help Lauren if you can
*We are not affiliated with Arlo the company and do not receive any discounts or benefits from promoting them