As a parent of a child with autism this was such a bittersweet moment.
Late yesterday afternoon we received a request from a Launch Housing crisis worker asking if we could help get a bike for a little girl who has autism. She had to leave her bike behind when the family needed to leave suddenly and move into crisis accommodation.
Leaving home in a hurry can be very traumatic for children. Leaving home in a hurry when you have autism and can’t take your favourite things with you can be absolutely devastating and very confusing.
I know how heartbroken and confused my own son would be if this happened to him. So we went straight out and bought a brand new Shopkins bike to help make things a little better, and we delivered it this morning.
We know we can’t fix everything and we can’t help everyone but we do what we can. And right now there’s one little girl who is a little less confused and a little more comforted because she has a new bike.