January 7, 2025


The Plate Up Project is a new homelessness and domestic violence initiative launched in
Melbourne to offer people fleeing domestic violence and experiencing homelessness a hand up,
not a hand out.

Launched by National Homeless Collective, the charity who also coordinate Melbourne Period
Project and The School Project, the Project assists its students to gain new cooking, hospitality,
and employment skills.

Participants of Plate Up have said the benefits of the program have already proven to be life
changing, “For the first time in years I finally have something to look forward to when I wake up in
the morning,” said student Trish.

The Plate Up Project was conceived, implemented and managed by Donna Stolzenberg; Founder
and Director of National Homeless Collective. Beginning in 2015, what set the Collective apart from
many similar charities was Donna’s lived experience with overcoming hardship and disadvantage
through homelessness.

Donna is the mother of five sons, and derives her inspiration from her youngest, who lives with
autism. Donna’s cultural background as a member of the Ngajtumay and Mirning people connects
her to the systematic issues encountered by Indigenous Australians, who are sadly over
represented in homelessness statistics. She has had extensive experience assisting people with
complex and multi-faceted barriers to employment.

The Plate Up Project was made possible thanks to being selected as the winner of the Social Investment Grants Program awarded by Community Sector Banking.

National Homeless Collective is an Australian registered charity with deductible gift recipient

All donations to the organisation over $2.00 are tax deductible.