January 23, 2025

What an absolutely incredible start to our renovation rescue day! Just as we opened the doors these two beautiful people, Angie and Geoff, came in with (what they said was) a ‘little’ surprise for us.

Turns out that little surprise was a cheque for $2500 to get our renovations up and running!


Every year Angie and Geoff hold a card making and raffle day to raise money for a chosen charity. This year they raised over $5000 and split it between two charities.
We were one of the the very lucky recipients!

We were just overjoyed with their generosity and cannot wait to put this money to good use and get or renovations started. What an incredible gift!

We have some photos to share that Angie has sent us and we’ll put them up soon. If you were a part of this very special event please know that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and if you’d like to join Angie and her team to help our other charities in the future, please post or send us a private message and we’ll put you in contact!

Today was an amazing success and we can’t wait to get these renovations started!