January 23, 2025

Melbourne – we need your help!

We have some AMAZING NEWS. Out of thousands of applications submitted to the Victorian Government’s ‘Pick My Project’ Community grants initiative, ours was chosen as a finalist.

Our project idea is to start an Op Shop that is also a safe place for women to come and talk to someone about how to leave a violent or abusive relationship, ‘before’ it’s too late.

We want to get women out before they become another tragic family violence statistic. The Op Shop will have information, numbers, access to counselling and working groups to give women the information needed to get them to safety.

But we’re going to need your help to get it started because it will rely on getting the most votes to win. You can vote on the Pick My Project website,www.pickmyproject.vic.gov.au

Unfortunately, only certain Post Codes can vote. We are designated “Northern Metropolitan”. Once you have registered, you can select your community by searching for your street address, locality or dropping a pin on the map. Our project is “Op Shop Plus for at risk Women”

Please Melbourne! Share, share, share! And Vote, vote, vote!