Always was, always will be. NAIDOC Week 2020
In 2019, 3.57% of Indigenous peoples were experiencing homelessness compared to 1.2% on non Indigenous Australians.
This means that 1 in 28 of all Aboriginal peoples have nowhere safe and suitable to live on our own land.
If it always was and always will be Aboriginal land, why are so many Aboriginal people still displaced and still not being given the opportunity to live their days in peace in a place of their own?
When I started @Sisters in Safe Housing to support women experiencing homelessness to access safe, suitable and timely accommodation I knew a larger portion of our clients would be, like myself, First Nations women. When you look at these basic statistics it’s easy to see we’re still not doing nearly enough to address the issue.
This NAIDOC week I ask that you reflect on the theme, ‘Always was, always will be (Aboriginal land)’ and make steps to familiarise yourself with the issue of homelessness amongst Aboriginal people.
When we know better, we do better.
#NAIDOCweek2020 #aboriginalland #nonprofit #community #homelessness #naidoc #alwayswasalwayswillbe #domesticviolence