January 8, 2025

Melbourne’s lockdown is continuing and this morning we gave away the very last of our Period Packs and our last toiletries pack. We are desperate to get more out there for the thousands of people affected by lockdown and subsequent job loss.

Last year we raised over $50,000 to help those affected by the lockdown and every cent went to support those who were isolated or had suffered job losses.

We are absolutely desperate to get more help out there but we need your support to do that. Please consider donating below or checking our pinned post to see how to purchase a ticket in our raffle.

$5 donation buys a toiletries pack or Period Pack
$10 donation buys both a toiletries pack and Period Pack
$25 donation buys a winter warmer bag with new warm clothing
$35 donation buys a life saving sleeping bag
$65 buys a Winter Warmer Pack, a sleeping bag and toiletries bag.

Thank you Melbourne we are so grateful for your support.
