It was great to chat with Hilary Harper and the listeners of Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Life Matters this morning. We discussed the changing landscape of employment in Australia and how we must make space in the workplace for people with housing insecurity.
We talk about homelessness, National Homeless Collective and our op shop, The Kala Space, and how what we do so differently to other businesses is what helps keep vulnerable women in employment.
We must make space in the workplace for people with housing insecurity and those who cannot adhere to rigid start and finish times.
I’m often asked if this is possible outside of charity work and the answer is a resounding yes. There are many purposeful, meaningful and important tasks in all areas of employment that are not time or mission critical. These tasks can be transferred to create work opportunities for at risk employees.
The Publicity Princess Kate Engler
#employability #employmentnews #womenatwork #domesticviolence #domesticabuseawareness #superannuation #housingaffordability #housingfirst