“So why don’t they just get a job?” We hear this a lot. Homelessness is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects millions of people around the world. Among the many challenges that people experiencing homelessness face, finding and maintaining employment can be especially difficult. Without a stable home address, access to basic resources, and the support of a social network, individuals often encounter significant barriers to employment that can make it difficult to secure a job and sustain long-term employment. One of the most obvious challenges that individuals experiencing homelessness face when it comes to finding and maintaining employment […]
National Homeless Collective
We have known for years now that the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness are middle aged women, however, frightening data from the 2021 Australian census also shows that females accounted for 81.7% of the 6,067 increase of people experiencing homelessness in 2021.81.7% of the increase are women! That is absolutely appalling.More and more women are experiencing homelessness because services simply cannot keep up with demand. Domestic violence and intimate partner abuse rates are climbing and very little is being done to address this national crisis.The rate of homelessness for males decreased in 2021 to 55 males per 10,000 […]
We are thrilled to be included as one of the two organisations nominated by CommBank’s Port Melbourne branch to receive a funding boost from CommBank – but we need your vote! This is a way you can help us without having to do anything but click a button. To vote for us click the link below ⬇️ Search for ‘Port Melbourne’ 🗺️ Click on National Homeless Collective and your vote is in! If we win, we will raise enough money to buy around 20 sleeping bags, so please please help us out so we can do this! Your vote just […]
Please help find Trigger. This is heartbreaking. Sometimes a pet is all you have left in the world. This gorgeous little Jack a Russel terrier, Trigger has been stolen from his mate Mick. Mick is currently experiencing homelessness and sleeping rough in Melbourne CBD. You might recognise Mick as the friendly face selling Big Issues at various spots in the city. Yesterday, as Mick was walking to his usual spot near Flinders Street Station, Trigger vanished. Mick suspects that a group of men who passed by might be involved, as they were the last ones near Trigger. Trigger is more […]
It’s never easy to ask for help, even when you use that help to help others. On Wednesday we gave out our 10,000th sleeping bag. We could only do this because you helped us to do it. Our sleeping bags for homelessness project is entirely funded by donations and fundraisers. If you’re looking to make an end of year financial donation to a charity, please consider us. 10,000 sleeping bags is a lot, but with over 7800 people sleeping rough every night, it’s not nearly enough. Sleeping bags don’t last long when they’re used every day. The 7800 people sleeping […]
This incredible service is running in Frankston Victoria through winter. Everyone deserves a home, but in the mean time services like this save lives.
We were so pleased to receive three boxes of hand made winter warmers from Ken and Nella at Knit 4 Charities. These incredibly important and much needed items have already begun hitting the streets and are being sent off to other areas where people are also in need. Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this happen. We sincerely appreciate your time and support 🧶🧤🧣💖
What an incredible day! Thank you so very much to all who turned out to volunteer with us at Bunnings Coburg to help sell 🌭 and raise money for more sleeping bags. The streets of Melbourne are lovely, but not when you have to sleep in them. Our sleeping bags save lives. Through your help and support we can save even more. Thank you to Steph and Sharon from Bunnings Coburg for helping us make this happen. We appreciate your assistance and support.
National Reconciliation Week – 27 May to 3 June – is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Find out more about National Reconciliation Week https://nrw.reconciliation.org.au/about-nrw/ #NRW2023
This story is very long, but it is also very important. We hope you will stick with us and read to the end. Thank you. Yesterday at 5pm Brooke and her teenage son were almost evicted from their home due to rent arrears. The police arrived in a wagon to facilitate the eviction and oversee the changing of the locks. Brooke could do nothing when the police arrived except stand there and watch them approach her, while she wondered what she would tell her 13yo son when he came home from his friends house, and where they would sleep that night. I […]
Yesterday we delivered 47 Easter hampers to families in financial crisis so children whose families celebrate Easter could still have a magical Easter Sunday when the Easter bunny visits. Today we will be delivering 38 more hampers and we have over 100 more to deliver over Thursday, Friday and Saturday. That’s more than 200 Easter hampers. Each Easter hamper is made individually for each family, and we make sure there is something inside for every family member in the house. Although we didn’t have a specific Easter fundraiser this year, these hampers were still made possible because of you. The […]
Thank you once again to our amazing volunteers helping out last Saturday at the Vollyspot music event at Fairfield Amphitheatre. Debra, Giulia, Claire, Shannon, Jarrah, Angela and Kristian you guys are so much fun to work with and so generous with your time and your support. We really appreciate you all ❤️