For most Mums, Mother’s Day is a happy occasion but for some Mums it can be tough.
Today we delivered some gorgeous Easoto Backpacks full of Mothers Day treats to 8 single Mums who have children who live with chronic illness or disabilities.
All Mums are busy, but Mums of kids who need extra care really do it tough. My youngest child has three medical appointments each and every week, he is on a daily regime of 12 different medications and he will need life long support, forever.
It’s tough, but I have help. I’m not doing this alone. Mums doing all this extra workload every single day without a partner and without support are absolute super hero’s who deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated.
These gorgeous packs also included things like pyjamas, slippers, chocolates, word puzzle books, mugs, and other treats. Each bag had a special mix of gifts and was full to the brim.
We are so grateful that we could do this for these extra special Mums. Next year we will make sure more single Mums of kids with disabilities and medical conditions are included in our Mums day drive.
Thank you so much to everyone who donated to our campaign to help make this happen. We are so grateful to you all 💐