A Pathway Out of Homelessness

This is a bit long (as usual!), but we’d love you to read to the end.

Today we employed two new women to help us pack tampons at the warehouse. One of these ladies lives in a tent. Can you tell which one?

It’s impossible.

It’s also impossible to tell her apart from everyone else walking down the street. It’s impossible to know what she’s been through and why she’s sleeping in a tent tonight.

I can tell you this though, she’s amazing and incredible and one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. I love being around her. She lights up the room. She’s strong and smart and she helps everyone she sees. And she’s a great worker. Fast and thorough.

She is just like us, except she’s homeless and will be for a long time because our system is so broken. I don’t believe it will ever be fixed.

We’re hoping that giving her a job with us will help lead her to a pathway out of homelessness. But we need your continued support to help us to continue employing her and our other two employees for more than the few hours per week we’re able to give them now.

The more support we can get, the more hours we can employ people. It’s as simple as that. If you’d like to donate to help us give women experiencing homelessness more paid work hours and a better chance of getting out of homelessness please donate to help us pay them.

We can get some amazing volunteers to pack the boxes, or we can come together and pay women experiencing homelessness to pack them, and help guide them to financial independence and housing.

Any donation over $2 is tax deductible, we pay $25ph casual rates. If you get five friends together and commit to donating one hour each per week, that’s an extra hour we can give someone paid work. That’s an extra $25 someone can put toward rent.

And if a lot of you get five friends together, we can offer a lot more work and a lot more women will be housed.

One by one.

These are real people and real stories. We’re too well known and trusted to be making anything up or embellishing stories to get public sympathy. She lives in a tent. She deserves to live in a home of her own.

Our system is now too broken to help them. It literally is up to us as a community to do it now.

If you’d like to donate or get some friends together to support an hour of wages please go to our donate page  or message us for more details. I honestly can’t see another way out for these incredible brave women.


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Plate Up Teams Up with Kinfolk

Sat Jun 2 , 2018
How do you find employment when you’re homeless? How do you get a job, or even get to a job interview when you’re sleeping in a park or under a bridge and you don’t even have clean clothes or a phone? How do you get past the barriers homelessness brings when you have absolutely no support? Well, we created The Plate Up Project to address all of these barriers and we are so proud to announce our partnership with Kinfolk Cafe on Bourke Street along with the Left Bank Melbourne to create an amazing all round practical and educational experience […]