January 23, 2025

Today thanks to your generosity we took our second load of nappies, formula and sanitary items to the residents of the 3031-3051 towers and have another load ready to head out in the morning.

Charities are considered an essential service so we will still be able to reach the residents of the towers even though the city has gone into lockdown again as of tomorrow.

Unfortunately due to rules around contact points we cannot accept donations of products. We apologise for this however the more contact we have with people who are donating, the more chances we have of coming into contact with the virus and spreading it to others.

The best way to help now is to donate financially. We have a pinned post for Facebook donations or you can head to our website to make a PayPal or GiveNow donation. No doubt this will be a long and ongoing situation. We appreciate your support so very much.
